Friday, 28 September 2018



Apple’s new iPhone is getting better and more significant. But just because there’re a bunch of new gadgets coming out loaded with all the latest and greatest tech’s appeal, it does not mean it is smart to get a new device right this second. Even if your current handset is a couple of years old, has a scratch or some, or boasts the battery life of a sloth, you might be spending some serious cash by replacing VS repairing your iPhone right now. In this blog, you will be informed Is It Worth Repairing Your Old iPhone Before Selling It.


You just want the next big thing for no real reason – If your iPhone or iPad is correctly working, and maybe even look perfect, but you are tempted to upgrade simply because there is something new, do your best to resist the urge. This is especially true if money is tight and your iPhone is less than two years old. Try picking up an attractive new case instead, to give your gadget a new look with a much less price tag.

You ran out of storage

If you are out of room on your iPhone to store apps, music, and videos, try picking up larger storage if there is a slot for one on your device. Or move the stuff you do not use very often onto your computer for safekeeping (iCloud, Google Drive). This’ll give you more space while saving you the big bucks you needed to spend on an entirely new device.

The screen is cracked 

One in ten people is walking around with cracked iPhones right now. If you like your iPhone but can’t deal with a broken screen check out iCracked or iFixit and see how much it’ll cost to get your phone back in tip-top shape. Replacing screens should cost around $90. The chances are that is going to be a heck of a lot cheaper than purchasing a whole new iPhone, and you can use the money you saved on something you need, like a case that will make your iPhone from getting cracked again!

You still do not know how to use it

If your main issue with your iPhone is that you just have no idea how to do anything more on it than answer the iPhone, send a text and take a special selfie, your local carrier store is a great place to get little hands-on help. If you are an iPhone user, Apple’s own retail store host regular classes to make sure you can get the most out of your phone.


You still do not know how to use it – If you have had your iPhone or iPad for a while and wanted to throw it across a room, smash it repeatedly against your head, or run over it with your car. It might just be a really bad fit for you. If it is overly simplistic or complicated too much of a trouble to understand, you could find that a new device fits your lifestyle and your needs far better. Whether it is a brand new iPhone, a picture-perfect Windows phone, or amped-up Android, there is the right device out there for you.

Dust flies when it rings

Is your iPhone old? I do not mean a few years old, I say “Oh my gosh, I cannot play Angry Birds without it restarting and freezing” old. Or, God forbid, do you have to flip your iPhone open in order to use it? Yeah, you need an upgrade. Things have developed a lot in the past six years or so, and if your iPhone is older than a first grader, you need a new device, so treat yourself!

You literally cannot use it

Is your iPhone so broken that you cannot even really use it like an iPhone? That includes things like a completely busted display — and not just the glass, but the entire screen — or shattered camera lens, extensive water damage, or broken internals that keep it from operating in even the most elementary way. If so, there may be no way to save it. Checking the repair websites mentioned above is always a great idea, but if it is going to cost almost as much to repair it as it would replace it simply, go ahead and replace, simply because you will likely get a new guarantee against further damage.

You are due for an upgrade

If it is cheaper to replace it than to repair it, there is a no good reason to hang on to your old iPhone no matter how true it has been to you. If you have an iPhone or iPad, be sure to check out Gazelle, and you might find that they will purchase your busted or old device for more than you would have to pay for a replacement.
Whatever the problem, always weigh out the costs from beginning to end to be sure you are not being sucked dry by smaller charges along the way. A new iPhone might sound like the standard route at first, until you factor in the activation charge, potential changes in your carrier’s service plan, and the cost of committing to your current carrier for up to three more years, if necessary.

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